Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Shopping Haul!!

What a fantastic and productive day did I have yesterday when I stopped by the mall to do my weekly browsing of items. I am one of those women who definitely loves a bargain and I watch the things I want until the price is just right, and this my friends is better than chocolate in making you feel good!!

I was strolling through JCPenny with my baby, who had to point to everything and tell me "see", and what I did see was a deal!!  I found two long sleeve tees for the hubby that were clearance priced down to $1.97 each!!I left that store with two shirts for under 5 BUCKS!! Happy Dance for me!!  :)

Then I went by Belk who was also having a wonderful sale and picked up a pair of jeans for me for $6.48 and two shirts and my grand total for all three items was $22.00 exactly!! I was a happy woman and of course by this time the baby was tired so it was time to go, at the end of the day here is what I had:

2 shirts for the hubby
2 shirts for me
1 pair of jeans for me
Grand Total for my deals $ 26.26  wooohooo happy day and happy bargain hunting to you!!

Here is a pic of the two shirts for $1.97 each for the Hubby...cute huh? Great for layering or by themselves!! Great Deal!

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