Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Diapers and Wipes Baby!!!

When you have a baby in your home there is one thing that is constant..DIAPERS!  When my son was born I like so many new moms got coupons and flyer's galore in my mail box of companies trying to sell me their diapers and honestly I had no preference.  Once you start shopping around and realize this is something you will be  spending your money on, you really start shopping around.

I found the best deals from Amazon mom.  Its totally free to sign up with and I get a case of diapers from them on a auto ship program and I save a ton of dollars each month and no coupon can compare! I also order my sons wipes from there also!!

Try shopping round and then check out Amazon and the Amazon mom program, this can really save you some money each month.  Happy Diapering!!

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