Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My new self challenge

I lost my full time job three years ago and we lost my income for our family of four. It hit us hard and since then I have tried to find things to do at home to earn money and to cut cost. Actually being at home benefited our family as I have been here for our daughter and now our son, I would not trade that for anything in the world.

 I have tried and wasted money on these work from home pyramid schemes to surveys, these  did not pan out for  me personally. I then ran across and ad in the paper one day and found a great job that I have been doing from home 10-12 hours per week. This was great as it gave my family an extra $300 a month and I was able to be at home so I could be with my family. Well this job I have come to love and depend on for over two years has come to an end. The company I was working for dissolved the position, and I was devastated. Now my goal is to find new ways to make up my $300 loss, either by finding a  new at home position or cutting that much from our monthly expenses.

Today while at the grocery store I saw three ladies with their large binders full of coupons, clipping and perusing their books so I stopped one and asked some questions.   She showed me the 10 items in here cart and the coupons and then explained that for these 10 items she was only spending about $3.00. I was totally shocked! She also told me 2 weeks ago she got 3 packs of paper towels for free!! Really could it be this easy, no of course not, there is a lot of time and patience that goes into this. I received a few tips from her, as she was so kind to help me, and I am going to try her method this week and see what happens!

This is no get rich plan however if I can get the things my family needs for penny's on the dollar you bet I will try!!

So stay tuned and if I can get this working then I'll share what I found out with you!!


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